Compose the melodic sequence to search by clicking on the staff or by typing the name of the notes.
Alternatively, melodies can be entered in the "MedMel input" as simple characters, following the MedMel encoding standard.
Press space to separate groups of notes.
Alternatively, click on the New syllable button.
To delete a note, press the delete key
or click on the Delete note button.
To insert liquescent notes or accidentals, select the relevant button from the options box.
Alternatively, in the MedMel input, put liquescent notes in brackets, e.g. a(G).
B-flat is by far the most common accidental: use b for b-flat and h for b-natural.
As for the MedMel encoding standard, other accidentals are defined by special characters preceding the note: use underscore for flat, hashtag for sharp, percert sign for natural, e.g. _a, #a, %a.
Use the Match accuracy slider to include non-identical matches, specifing the desired degree of tolerance.Use the option checkbox to include results that could be relevant, considering the shifting nature of melodies in different sources:
1) Include transposed versions of the searched sequence;
2) Take into account or disregard the syllabic divisions. This may allow to match melodies that underwent different distribution of notes on text syllables.
3) Consider plicas as liquencent notes or consider its pitch alone. Indeed, plicas may provide relevant information on performance in some contexts and constitue mere graphic variants in others.
Specify the position of the searched sequence within the matched melodic lines.